Flexibility: A virtual Chief Information Security Officer (vCISO) can be reached immediately via a simple phone call, whether the vCISO is on or off-site (based on what has been agreed upon). Due to the vCISO’s networking expertise, a vCISO can scale up extremely fast. Additionally, a vCISO can oversee security testing, data protection, and much more, depending on the company's needs. Furthermore, it allows companies to hire a qualified vCISO on a temporary or medium-term basis until a company can recruit a permanent candidate.
Synergy: vCISOs are experts in cyber security. These security leaders have acquired various industry-recognized qualifications while working in multiple industries. vCISOs have established relationships with vendors, industry leaders, and other security experts. The company's progress will be enhanced by the vCISOs excellent decision-making skills, thanks to their hands-on experience.
Efficiency: Due to their expert knowledge, they can implement your business requirements practically and are practice-oriented.
Instant deployment: vCISOs don’t need to undergo any training; they are ready to make a positive impact from day one. vCISOs are well-connected with other security experts, vendors, and industry leaders, leveraging these relationships to maximize performance. Their excellent decision-making skills and hands-on experience will boost your company's progress.
Cost-effective: The high demand for CISO services results in a six-figure salary for many of them. Depending on where and how big your company is, you may pay premium costs for a full-time CISO. A vCISO can be more cost-effective than hiring a full-time employee if your organization doesn't have the budget. This will save you money on hiring, training, salary, and benefits.
Independent expertise without being biased: CISOs in offices can be distracted by office politics and other distractions, causing them to lose focus on their tasks and make poor decisions. Furthermore, if they are unhappy or feel underestimated, they may not see the importance of ensuring maximum security. In contrast, a vCISO is a neutral individual who puts all their energy into protecting the business, no matter how challenging it may be.
Commitment and quality: If a full-time CISO is headhunted by a competitor or wants a change, they will probably look for a new job or organization at some point in their career. The company will lose its expertise and need to train a new CISO. The business will enjoy a greater continuity and seamless service through hiring a vCISO.
Elastic and scalable: Hiring an in-house Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) and a supporting security team can be expensive and risky. Due to these additional costs, scaling quickly can be complex and limit growth flexibility. Hiring an adaptive vCISO, your staffing requirements are not fixed. The security efforts can be scaled up or down as needed, without the hassle of hiring or firing employees.
Skills: CISO as a Service team has experts who can be reached when needed and have specialized knowledge. It makes a difference in security when a well-rounded team is at the business’s disposal instead of hiring a CISO and a few employees. With the right vCISO team, the business’s skills and experience will be vastly expanded, much more extensive than the few employees that the company can afford.
The benefits of CISO as a Service are innumerable: we have only scratched the surface of what vCISO has to offer. With a well-prepared vCISO, the business can immediately begin implementing better tracking, reporting, etc.
We can help!
Are you looking for ongoing advisory services to assist in identifying vulnerabilities and security policies that should be in place and help improve your security posture? The team at Inception Security™ has been leveraged to enhance the security posture of fortune 100 companies, small and medium-sized businesses. Our team has a depth of knowledge in the cybersecurity industry and will be able to provide value to your business right away.
Contact Inception Security if your company is looking for advisory services.